

Monday 21 January 2013


My life at the moment is measured in Luke's bowel movements. I apologise in advance for this post,  because although I'd decided, with the complete clarity one feels at 342am, that I wouldn't bore you today  with stories of potty training, I then realized that I've actually nothing else to talk about. I'm obsessed and so completely over it, all at the same time.Over the last two weeks his life (and mine) has revolved almost exclusively around a blue and white lump of plastic.

As a family we share in the glory moments, breaking into spontaneous applause when something....anything,  is produced in the potty. Then after Luke's victory lap of the kitchen, he and I enjoy the thrilling ritual of emptying the potty's contents into the loo, along with a cheery goodbye as we flush them away. 'Bye bye pee-pees, bye bye poo poos!' Next there's the hand washing, and finally the treat of a sticker and/or a sweetie from the tin...usually for both of us. We've actually seen real progress in the pee department- he pops on and off all day long and has even been dry a few times in the morning -result!

I never want to lay eyes on this book again when we're done..
And what of the Department of Poo? (I know you're on the edge of your seat!) Not so much, I'm sorry to say! He's raging against that particular machine- holding it, fighting it, grimacing, wriggling, twisting, crying, anything to put off answering nature's call. Hours go by, days even, while he claws at me, calls, moans, craving relief but unable to give in and call a truce . Meanwhile I cajole, soothe,encourage, offer bribes, rub his back, read him stories, watch Peppa Pig, play music, sing- anything to take his mind off the battle and allow nature to have her way. But no, still he fights on.

We're pretty much grounded too because he's only comfortable using his OWN potty, and toilets of any kind are still a no no, so its all very restrictive...and going nowhere fast. I think that it would be fair to say that we're frustrated and fed up with the whole situation and perhaps even regretting starting the process in the first place.... and by we, of course I mean me.

Now, he's on medicine, euphemistically  to 'help things along a little bit',  with the odd suppository chucked in for good measure, so hopefully the whole delightful situation will improve, sooner rather than later. I do have some previous experience of this issue- another of my boy children had the same problem and it resolved itself with some help and I'm sure this will too. It's just a question of when!

 In the meantime though, I'm trying very hard to celebrate the fact that we've got 50 % of  potty training cracked, and the rest is sure to follow, and someday I'll probably even look back and laugh... yeah, right. Here's hoping that your Monday is less constipated than mine, Em Xxx

  I've joined up with Sarah Miles at Hello Wall today-go on over and take a peek at the rest! 



  1. No shit! What a day...lol

  2. Seriously, I'm phoning you, reflexology helps this bx

    1. Thanks B! Gonna give those reflexology tips a go!

  3. Ha! The elusive poo! My son still gets constipated at age 5, a bit of vaseline appropriately placed helps too!

    Reflexology is excellent - had it when i was preggers. Thanks for linking up again xx

    1. Thanks Sarah-I'm glad I'm not alone in this...& I've got plenty of Vaseline at the ready!

  4. This brings back memories of the "poo party", not as bad as it sounds. I was told to encourage reluctant poo-ers, you explain to them that poos done in the right place were allowed to go to the party, but those that ended up in pants (or elsewhere) did not. Many a day was spent waving off the poo on it's way to the poo party! Potty training Son was a very long process, but *crossing fingers* we have made it! Good luck.

    1. Haha! The poo party- I love it! Happy to give anything a try....

  5. ugh..you are making a fine effort at putting me off even thinking about starting potty training with my youngest!!

  6. Oh dear!! Lucy called me In and took me by the hand saying.. Whooa mummy.. Lucy do pee pee on floor! Peppa pig pants in wash and nappy on for another while!!

  7. I wish Luke would say that Fi! I'd be happy to leave it a while but there's no going back now!

  8. The poo party - that's a new one on me. (aaagh it's on me, gedditorf...)

    I can just imagine your boys reading this post in the future - perhaps with a new girlfriend - and enjoying these stories.

    But anyway - on the subject of pee... Why do you never hear a pterodactyl pee?
    Becase the p is silent.
    Groan. (Plenty more here - http://wp.me/pDjed-1Bn )

    1. Oh that's bad....but I can think of a few people round here who would find it totally hilaire, so thank you!
