After our decadent weekend in the fancy schmancy hotel, THIS weekend was it's polar opposite. The yin to last week's yang, if you like. Actually, now I think about it, polar just about nails the weather - I mean snow, FFS? It's almost Easter!! It's just so wrong AND we're supposed to be caravilla bound in a few days. Although looking outside now I feel quite faint just thinking about it...and not in a good 'Can't wait for the holidays' kinda way, a 'What the hell was I thinking? Is there any way out of it?' sorta way. Yikes!

To be fair though, this time it WASN'T Lady Mary who inspired me to dust off my Kenwood, it was in fact my fellow blogger Sarah Miles, who writes the fabulous blog Hello Wall, and if that wasn't enough, she pens the award winning foodie blog 'What would Nigella do?' as well. (Honestly, some people! If I didn't love her, I'd hate her.)
Despite the fact that it wasn't Lady Mary's recipe for Lemon Drizzle Cake, (it's her Bake Off chum Paul Hollywood's), she made it look so easy and the pictures were so yummy that I was dying to give it a whirl. Also, it just so happens that the Mothership is very partial to a slice of lemon cake, so I made two - one for us, and one for Herself-and they were both hoovered up in no time at all- okay, mostly by my greedy offspring, but even so.
Tah-dah! |
Secondly, I baked them in too big a tin- which means they look as if they'd been sat on but they hadn't....not on my watch anyway. (Note to self- you clearly CAN'T gauge the tin size just by looking, so just bloody measure it.)
Later on that evening, carried away with all this domestication, and heady with my baking success (yes I AM deeming it that), I cracked open the Villa Maria and my new Cath Kidston knitting set.....but tragically that all ended in tears.... but there's another story for another day.
Happy Monday peeps and chin up, Lents nearly over, Emma xxx
PS Final Call!!! Tomorrow is the very last day that you can vote in the MAD Blog Awards 2013- I'm a finalist in the Family Life category and I'm shamelessly hoping you'll consider taking a wee minute and voting for me- I'd be so grateful. (If you have already-thank you so much!)
PPS-I've joined up with Sarah Miles at Hello Wall today-go on over and take a peek at the rest!
Hey hey hey! Pimp my blog :) I must correct you was an award finalist...not a winner, alas. *sobs into her pasta machine*
ReplyDeleteHope it tasted good...and I am honoured to be the one to de-frock your Kenwood!
Winner schwinner- I won't tell if you won't!
DeleteHappy Monday - the cake looks great. And this weather, tuh, tell me about it - Snow for god''s sake!
ReplyDeleteAw thanks Sarah- great is a stretch...but I'll take it!
DeleteFlippin' heck, domestic goddess or what?! I love the rather 'squashed' looking cake but you did better than me when I tried these - had to resort to making them as cupcakes as I had no tin lol...or lemon curd lol!
ReplyDeleteOh now I feel much better...although cupcakes sound delish!
Deleteyou are a fabulous domestic goddess, heck you could be Ireland's answer to the pioneer woman?!
ReplyDeleteSarah, I love you. (You're not making fun of me are you ;-))
DeleteI think your cake looks utterly scrummy and you ought to be proud of your culinary skills and thinking on your feet regarding ingredients - bet it tasted fab!!
ReplyDeleteDo you know, it did!! Ad next time I'll get the right tin!