Two popular words around these parts are 'free' and 'toys'. Put them together, and we're on a winner, so when the folks at Bandai toys asked me to 
review some of their brand new 2012 toy ranges last week, I jumped, (possibly a tad over enthusiastically), at the chance.
A few days later, when a brown box arrived, word spread fast-at one point there were 10 children (ours and a few of the neighbours) around it, begging me to open it.

My boys thought Christmas had come early and immediately dove straight in! The action figures were definitely the biggest hit. Although not familiar with the new series', they know Ben 10 and Power Rangers of old, and immediately began role playing games, having the figures do stunts and fight with each other- typical boy stuff really! What I liked about this was the imaginative and interactive aspects of their play. (It should also be noted that they're the perfect handbag size to head off those trying supermarket moments...or maybe that's just me!)
The bottom line is, if your son is into Power Rangers or Ben 10, you really can't go wrong with the action figures, but I think that I'd be inclined to give the Power Rangers Black Box Morpher a miss.To me, it just seems gimmicky and was barely played with among all 4 boys.

So there you have it-check out these toys and loads more at Bandai toys because (now don't shoot the messenger!), it's only 111 days till Christmas-eeeek!
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